March 2018
Basic Idea
First Prototyp
First Field Test
Nov 2020
Company Founded
Contact with Manufacturers
Nov-Dec 2022
Website Built
Product Design Finalised
April-May 2023
Product Launch & Pre-Orders
Aug-Sep 2023
Parts Delivered
Final Quality Check
Field Tests
July-Aug 2022
Quit Regular Job, UVIEW Full Time
Patent & Reg Filed
Jan-April 2023
Travel; New Photos, Videos & Product Test
Editing Adverts
Landing Page Built
June-July 2023
Manufacturing Begins
Quality Checks
Est. Oct 2023
Shipping to Costumer!
Estimated shipping: October 2023
The UVIEW Launch Plan
Progress of UVIEW-Project. Sign Up for updates and Pre-Sale Discount in inbox.
Current Status, 31th of May:
We launched a Early Adopter Campaign looking for testers of the UVIEW, offering the UVIEW Prototype Basic Bundle at 50% Discount, saving you 90€ of the retail price 179€. The Prototype Basic Bundles is the same as the regular Basic Bundle, except it ships with a 3D printed Connector so that we can start shipping now instead of waiting till October.
UVIEW available for Pre-Orders with 20% Early Bird Discount.
Full scale Manufacturing will start in June and take approximately 2-3 months, during which we'll quality check the initial line-up and make any necessary modifications. We estimate that the slowest parts will be delivered to us in full after 4-5 months. After another quality control, we'll deliver the finished products to our distribution center. From here, we anticipate that packages can be delivered to customers within days, or a couple of weeks at most.
Shipping is estimated to start around October. While we're ambitious to start shipping earlier, we recognise there might be unforeseen complications along the way.
Parallel to the above timeline, we're looking for YouTubers who would like to try out the UVIEW and make a review. If you're one of them, please contact us!
Check out our Landing Pages for a concise intro to the UVIEW: Landing Page 1 or Landing Page 2.